MOTILL Partners Meeting 15th-17th July 2009



15th July 2009 







Welcome & Introduction to the MOTILL Project for the external expert (Marco Arrigo)

10.15am – 11.15am

1st Quality Committee Meeting
CHAIR:  Inmaculada Arnedillo-Sánchez

  1. Key Definitions
  2. Methodology

i.            To report on key definitions of the MOTILL Project (a. Lifelong Learning; b. Transitions; c. Scientific Annotated Review Database; d. Quality Concept)

ii.          Establishing the scope of the SARD in terms of the number of papers in the database

iii.        Arriving at an understanding of the anticipated users of the SARD

iv.        Deciding upon a process for editorial review of the SARD

v.          To consider the validity of the methods, processes and outcomes of the project, and make any relevant recommendations to the Steering Committee



11.15am – 11.30am


11.30am – 1.00pm

1st Quality Committee Meeting (cont.)

  1. Future Projects and Funding Opportunities
  2. Quality Assurance Manual
  3. Communications Plan


vi.              To assess opportunities for follow-on projects

vii.            To discuss the format and scope of the quality assurance manual

viii.          To make initial recommendations about project dissemination and promotion to the Steering Committee


1.00pm – 2.00pm


2.00pm – 3.15pm

2nd Technical Meeting
CHAIR:  Agnes Kukulska-Hulme

6. Progress Reports from WP Leaders


a.      WP1 – Co-ordination and Management (Marco)

b.      WP2 – Diffusion of Best Practices (Davide)

c.       WP3 – Horizontal and Vertical Mainstreaming (Gábor)

d.      WP4 – Monitoring the Quality (Macu)

e.      WP5 – Best Practices in Mobile and Lifelong Learning (Agnes)


ix.              To update MOTILL teams on the progress of different work packages, with extra information conveyed in a short written report

x.                To identify priority areas for activities leading up to the next partner’s meeting

xi.              To make recommendations about the planning process for deliverables in the Work Packages



3.30pm – 4.30pm

2nd Technical Meeting (cont.)

7. Guest Speaker:  Bob Moon on working with policy makers


xii.            To review general strategies for working with policymakers

xiii.          To provide an opportunity for feedback on different national strategies (consultation responses, petitions, briefings, etc.)

xiv.          To share best practice for working with policymakers


(End of Day One – Evening Meal at 7.00pm at The Black Horse, 1 Bedford Street, Woburn Sands )




16th July 2009










10.15am – 11.15am

2nd Technical Meeting (cont.)

8. Lifelong learning: national perspectives

xv.            To consider the impact of differing national understandings of lifelong learning on strategies for working with policymakers


11.15am – 11.30am


11.30am – 1.00pm

2nd Technical Meeting (cont.)

9. Plans for national meetings

xvi.          To identify and prioritise key objectives and messages of the project

xvii.        To propose ways in which these objectives might best be achieved

xviii.      To make a strategic recommendation to the Steering Committee

1.00pm – 2.00pm




2.00pm – 3.15pm

2nd Steering Committee Meeting
CHAIR:  Marco Arrigo

10.  Project Finances

11.  Reporting procedures

12.  External Expert

13.  Quality

xix.          To update members on current  project expenditure

xx.            Discussion of financial issues (Quarterly Financial Report)

xxi.          Clarification of the appropriate financial (and other) reporting procedures

xxii.        Confirmation of the budget modification for the quality external expert appointing

xxiii.      Supervision and approval of the quality external expert subcontracting procedures




3.30pm – 4.30pm

2nd Steering Committee Meeting (cont.)

  1. Communication Plan
  2. Publications Policy
  3. Strategy



xxiv.       Assessment and approval of the technical committee works

xxv.         Assessment and approval of the Quality Manual of the project

xxvi.       To evaluate strategies for project dissemination

xxvii.     To approve plans for further promotional materials

xxviii.   Agreeing upon a provisional communications plan for dissemination activities resulting from the project.  (The application states that the communication plan will be written by the coordinator in cooperation with all partners and validated by the Steering Committee.)

xxix.       To agree upon a policy for managing the use the results of the project for teaching and further academic research.

xxx.         Consider procedures and rules to sub-contract the data-gathering activity in Hungary

xxxi.       Planning of the deliverables – WP1, WP2, WP3, WP4, WP5


(End of Day Two – own arrangements for dinner)


17th July 2009 







Welcome & Introduction

10.15am – 11.15am

2nd Partner’s Meeting (cont)

17. Any other business

18. Date of next meeting

xxxii.     To confirm the date of the next partner’s meeting

11.15am – 11.30am


11.30am – 1.00pm

2nd Partner’s Meeting (cont)

19.  General Discussion

xxxiii.   An opportunity for general discussion

(End of Day Three – Conference Ends)